Since the three-day Victoria workshop was so popular I took a look at my calendar for the year and picked a few Sundays (and one Saturday) to host a one-day workshop in the following cities: Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver, Victoria & Calgary. These workshops are designed for professional or serious amateur photographers who want an intensive boot camp in wedding photography. It's going to be interactive, fast-paced and jam-packed with information. I hope you can join us!

WORKSHOP NEWS - VICTORIA 3-DAY WORKSHOP MARCH 4-6, 2011I'm excited to share photos from workshop I hosted last weekend (March 4-6, 2011) at the Executive House in Victoria. We had a high caliber group of photographers visiting from Ontario, Mississippi, and Washington State, not to mention some awesome talent from Vancouver Island. I'm still waiting for permission from a couple of people before posting their photos but I'm expecting to share more soon. Also, in the next few weeks I'll also make a promotional video thanks to footage taken by my good friends Jenna & Tristan (visit to see their amazing work). A very special thank you to the following photographers who helped with the workshop Ashley Gulevich,
Kelsey Goodwin,
Georgie Wilson,
Jenna & Tristan Shouldice and to the following amazing models (most were supplied by the fabulous
Barbara Coultish Agency in Victoria): Jesse & Kevin, Andrea & Ben, Dana, Svea, Grace, Ashley, Alexis and Michelle. I'd also love to share Jesse Holland's blog post from the weekend. She is a talented wedding photographer here in Victoria who agreed to pose with her husband. They gorgeous models. All of the photos were created by workshop participants (credit is under each photo on Jesse's blog).