Location: Calgary, Alberta
Throughout my communication with Hanh & Kevin over the last year I was really impressed with how laid back yet extremely organized they were. They told me they are all about eating, drinking and celebrating (which was music to my ears!) and they were absolutely true to their word. This two-day wedding celebration included two tea ceremonies, a church wedding and a wedding banquet to end all wedding banquets. Among all the extraordinary details involved in such a big event - and with 80% of the guests coming from out of town - these two managed to make every converstation and every gesture heart felt. The moment Hanh's family's tea ceremony began I felt myself getting tears stuck in my throat and it was no different the next day with Kevin's family. Hanh's family had a hysterical Vietnamese barter exchange where the boys had to buy their way into the front door. And the party? Well... I think the pictures speak volumes! This time I was able to team up with one of my favorite photography friends, Julie Williams (who now currently lives in Canmore). We were both thrilled that Hanh & Kevin put complete trust in us to create some funky, fashionable and fun portraits all over downtown Calgary. Hanh & Kevin - thank you once again for allowing us to be involved in your day and big congratulations! You are both a blast! Photo by Christina:
Photo by Christina:
Photo by Christina:
Photo by Christina:
Photo by Julie:
Photos by Julie:
Photo by Christina:
Photos by Christina:
Photo by Julie
Photo by Julie:
Photo by Christina:
Photo by Christina:
Photo by Julie:
Photo by Christina
Photo by Christina:
Photo by Julie:
PHoto by Julie:
Photo by Julie:
Photo by Julie:
Photo by Christina:
Photo by Christina (Hanh & Kevin stopped at the Hotel le Germaine for a martini with their friends before the portrait session):
Photo by Christina:
Photo by Julie:
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