Big Brothers & Sisters Charity Gala Event
Big Brother to Be!
A few months ago we photographed this adorable and incredibly expressive soon-to-be-big-brother and his mother Trisha for a joint baby-maternity portrait session. The new baby is still TBA, so stay tuned for some newborn pictures once the big day arrives. We're pretty excited to meet the new addition!

Wedding Photography Workshop
Eunice & Christina taught a portrait & wedding photography course at Camosun College this fall. As part of the course, we had a really fun workshop with our good friend Sarah modeling as a bride. We're also including a couple of our favorite pictures taken by the class. Thanks Sarah for being such a great sport - and thank you to all the students who braved the cold weather to come out and participate. If you're interested in taking a course, Eunice is teaching again at Camosun this winter. Check out the Camosun schedule to sign up.
Sedona Travel Photos
Just sharing some pictures Christina took on a trip a few months ago to Sedona, Arizona. Fine art nature prints & stock images from the trip are now available for sale online at

The Costain Family
These pics were taken by Christina on a trip to visit her friends a few months ago. Meet Amy, Tom, Charlotte and Addy - an awesomely photogenic bunch if we do say so ourselves! Christina is making up a gift for the whole family so these photos have been under top-secret high-security clearance while the prints made their way through the mail. Shhhh!! 

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